Professional Development
Professional Development is a critical component for offering appropriate care for young children and families. The Family Child Care Network can support you in finding the most appropriate professional learning on an individualized basis.
To search for various training opportunities in your region, please visit your local Family Child Care’s training calendar by using the calendar button on our training page.
You may also go to ECE-TRIS’s website to search for training at https://tris.eku.edu/ece/content.php?CID=1
While there are many ways to obtain professional development, there are some types of training that are required based on your regulation status. Those regulations are listed below as defined by the Division of Child Care for all types of Family Child Care Home Providers.
Required Trainings
Registered Providers
3 hours
orientation training with in 90 days of application
3 hours
annual training in early care and education
1.5 hours
of Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma must be completed within the first year after opening and be renewed every 5 years.
Certified Providers
6 hours
orientation training for provider within first 3 months of application
9 hours
of training annually for provider
1.5 hours
of Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma must be completed within the first year after opening and be renewed every 5 years.
Licensed Child Care Homes (Type II) Providers
6 hours
orientation training within 3 months of employment for provider and staff
15 hours
of training annually for provider and staff
1.5 hours
of Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma must be completed within the first year after opening and be renewed every 5 years.